Wednesday, June 08, 2011


Even though everyone was done with school by the end of May this week feels like the first week of summer. Last week was sort of a long weekend where I let them gorge on TV and computer and video games. This week is different. For starters I've declared no TV between 9 and 4 unless it's history or science. That mollified the older kids who watch that stuff for fun and earned me a rare temper tantrum from the 7 yo. She's the one most likely to sit in a Nickelodeon stupor so mission accomplished. So far since the heat has zoomed into the mid-nineties that means lots of reading and hanging out in the kiddie pool for the 7 and 3 yo. The 10 yo takes off with his friends and mostly just reappears when the pack of "dudes" gets a hankering for a Popsicle. I love he can do that in our bitty town.

There is still learning going on. We are working through math, grammar and reading each morning. F-man is also trying Writin Strands. He is working hard on his vision therapy. Next week is his 8 week evaluation. I feel there has been improvement. We are taking full advantage of free programs this summer. The library reading program of course, which includes a story/craft time for littles and other activities for the older kids. L is taking a drawing class through the parks dept this week. We'll be picking her up, having a picnic and going swimming today. I've got to make a trip to the "big town" worth it. Actually after pricing art/drama classes the gas to drive her to free classes is a bargain. The youngest three are also going to Bible School this week ( I'm helping with snacks) and L is helping to corral the pre-schoolers. Lastly we are still playing soccer and baseball. I've booted the yard work to the teen boys and Emma is taking classes and working. The first one who tells me they are bored gets sold to the carnival.

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