Friday, May 11, 2007


I feel like one of those glaze-eyed zombies. Same old story. Far too many places to be, usually at the exact same time and no other adult to drive. Luckily school will be out May 31st. Things are winding down, but all the end of the year programs, projects, and parties are happening. This week we did conclude pre-school (swimming party), track (county track meet, nothing like a 4hour track meet, yawn), band (incredibly boring concert, I'm just not into music I guess), and the last story time at the library. Cubs ends in two weeks and so does Brownies- Now I just need to get both those ceremonies organized, ha! Of course we have to fit in soccer games, baseball games, and way too many MD appointments yet. Thus, all this mind numbingly boring activitiy has made for poor blogging. Mea Culpa!

1 comment:

Jody said...

We are in that flury of "end of school" stuff.

Looking forward to May 25th!!