Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Because Nothing Says Christmas

like a fence.

At least we know the tree won't make a sneaky get away in the night.


Truth said...

LOL, I think white picket fences are quite lovely next to the fine greenery of trees.

Anonymous said...


nice tree.

below 3 feet our tree has exactly 2 decorations. One someone just returned to the tree, probably dh and the other I think is stuck or so ugly that no one wants to touch it. The lights are on but mangled. I used to make the kids put the decorations back on the tree. Then I settled for having the placed under the tree. Sigh, this year I put a laundry basket near the tree. I did put my foot down when 11 yo dd tried using the tree as a doll house.


MotherToMany said...

Ahh yes. The bottom 2 ft of my tree is "drooping". The lights that once hung on the branches are now drooping to the floor in big swags. I have red beads as garland and it is in the same state as the lights. They've already broke one of my ornaments which was made of welded metal! I have no glass ornaments and thought metal, wood, and fabric would be safer, LOL I guess I was wrong on that one. So the top half looks great and the bottom half looks like it is melting.

Ahhhh the joys of little hands.