It's time for
Tightwad TuesdayOrganize-and I don't mean buy eighty seven hundred little containers. I conducted the great clothing sort (done twice yearly, ack) this weekend. I have various and non-matching plastic tubs stacked in the basement with size marked on the side. I admit, however, that I have been known to stuff an outgrown piece into whatever tub is on top. I never really thought much about my 'system' until a friend came over Saturday and was boggled. She just throws stuff into a bag or gets rid of it. Now granted, having seven kids means I'm likely to use stuff again, but having it organized (relatively) all in one spot saves time and because I can see what the kids might actually need it saves money. No buying extra shorts when they have five pair already, etc. Menus are another form of organization. I don't stick slavishly to my menu, but having an idea of what I can fix saves me dithering over what to do and running to the store to get some forgotten ingredient. Try it, even if your personal vision of yourself is as an artistic free spirit. Believe me, I am not some naturally born orderly person. What I am is a person with not alot of time to waste looking for things.
Yesterday was insane. Two soccer practices, the county track meet (both of these 20 miles from home) and a kid pick up at another time (also 20 miles from home. I wish high school was not so far) This week's menu that I was too busy to post yesterday.
Mon-salisbury steak, apple sauce, corn bread (busy night)
Tue-chicken, rice and broccoli casserole, oranges
Wed-sausage penne, salad, garlic bread
Thu-crockpot enchilada casserole, corn, apple salad
Fri-hot dogs, relishes, chips, pudgy pies (cook out)
Sat-macaroni, cauliflower & cheese, carrots, cookies
Sun-stroganoff on noodles, peas, pie