Monday, December 05, 2005


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Caroling last night finally gave me a little Christmas spirit. I wrestled home a tree which is reposing in the garage. I usually wait until after C's birthday on the 12th to put the tree up, but if I wait to long to buy it you get a stick with brown spines attatched vs a fresh, fragrant tree.
Lots of activity this weekend. Saturday S went to Dayton to the Air Force Museum with Boy Scouts. Dh ran everyone to basketball practices so I could go to yoga. I then tried to hang on to that calmness as I went to two different grocery stores, K-Mart and Penney's. On Sunday L and I went caroling while S,C and F went sledding and snow boarding. It is nice when the big brothers let little brother hang out with them. E laid on the couch like a teen. She stayed up far too late reading on Saturday night. Hmm, that's about all. I need to go click buy on my Amazon cart. Gotta love the internet.

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