Monday, October 17, 2005


A beautiful weekend here. Our joke is that if you live in IN you'll get 4 great days/year. Sunday must have been the good one for fall. It was sunny and not too hot. Saturday was nice too but windy. The kids played all day Saturday. We had a big dinner and a fire and they all fell asleep. Always a good thing. I went to yoga Saturday morning. It was all regulars so she decided to increase difficulty. I was definitely feeling that on Sunday. Sunday we had lunch after church. The kids absolutely love that because all the kids go downstairs, after eating nothing but dessert, to turn off the lights and run around like idiots. That will probably be a cherished memory someday though, so I say let them scream down there. We ate leftovers Sunday night. We added candelight which the kids seem to feel makes everything taste better. All in all a good weekend.

1 comment:

Jody said...

It sounds like a lovely weekend. I love the thought of the big dinner followed by a fire and kids falling asleep! So cozy.