Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Terrific Kid

Last night C received an award from the Kiwanas for being a Terrific Kid. This was huge for him. He has really struggled with the social aspects of school. He is easily frustrated and impatient. Not a great personality for public school. They had a lovely buffet for the winners and their guests. He was trying to be so careful and watch his manners it was painful for me to watch. He was so tense trying to remember to chew quietly, not drop things and keep the napkin in his lap. He got dressed up and was sooooo proud. Only one student is chosen from each grade school for the year so he should be proud.
Here he is wishing he could drop through the floor. He didn't know he'd have to talk.
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Here is C and dh. They both clean up pretty well.
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By the way, the terrific stands for:Thoughtful Enthusiastic Respectful Responsible Inclusive Friendly Inquisitive Capable


Jody said...

Oh, what a sweetheart!

Congratulations to him!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations C!

Rae said...

I'm a fake terrific kid, since I found a Kiwanis t-shirt in a thrift store and I still wear it! How great to see a real one! Congratulations to your son.