Getting a mini-van was lowering, getting the 15 passenger van was a sure step towards geezerdom, but this proves my cool card is gone and I'm beyond coolness redemption
On the plus side, I no longer worry that A is going to launch herself sideways in the baby carrier seat and send us both to a bloody meeting with the road. It also has the added benefit of letting F ride along if, say, I want to get somewhere minus the minute by minute stops to observe something interesting or the stomach grabbing nausea when I wonder if he'll get braked before shooting out in front of a car.
Not much else going on here. I took F and A to the zoo Monday. They imitated the orangutangs, loudly, for a loooong time, all through the zoo. They had a wonderful time, but really, I think people were ready for us to leave. We ate sandwiches and gold fish at the park and they played. Amazing how nice it is when 1) some older child isn't rolling his/her eyes at the horror of being at the zoo or 2) pleading for ice cream/hot dogs/popcorn. because you know that is only good when overpriced. The same thing at home is just dull. Duh!
I think the bike trailer thing seems extremely cool :-)
I think it will be fun!
Enjoy it!
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