Wednesday, July 07, 2004

A New Stage

Well, my baby has reached the "I can put stuff in the vcr" stage She was very industriously trying to put her block in it this morning. I'll have to hunt up those baby gates. I'm afraid she's going to be an early walker. She is 8 months and cruising furniture now so I'm sure in a month or so she'll accidently let go and take off. Two of my others were early (the other three were 12-13 months). I think they have a little better sense of self-preservation when they are older. Nine month olds walk off the ends of steps, furniture, etc and don't seem to get the fact they are going to fall. Not much else doing today. My oldest dd is trying to finish 4-H so we have 3 batches of biscuits to eat. I made some pumpkin muffins too so I guess snacks are taken care of. I better not blink or it will be my now 8month old doing 4-H projects. Time really does go faster when you have kids. You can see the little one at

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